Sunday, November 28, 2010

Confucius Temple, Taipei

Confucius Temple

This temple is in the Datong district. It's near the Bao-an temple, but there isn't much else in the area, as far as I know. Confucius temples are much calmer and more peaceful than Daoist temples. They are a lot less busy architecturally as well.

I'm not sure what this is. It was right by the main entrance.

There were a lot of signs in Korean. This was the only place I saw Korean when I was in Taiwan. They must get enough tourists here to make it worthwhile. Confucianism is more common in South Korea, I'm not surprised they get a lot of visitors.

Pink Flowers

Looking Out

The temple is built with a large building with a courtyard that contains the smaller main building. All the rooms in the larger building exit into the courtyard. This picture was taken in the larger building, facing the courtyard.

Main Gate

This was taken in the middle of the courtyard facing the main gate. Only a small side door is open. I'm not sure when they open the bigger doors.


This is the back area of the courtyard, behind the main temple building.

This is an exhibit about traditional music. 

An example of traditional music.

A woman was singing while I was there, so I recorded a small snippet. The visual part isn't interesting, as I was trying to get the sound.

To get here: Get off at Yuanshan station on the red line. Go out exit 2, you'll be on a road running parallel with the station. Walk north, away from the station, and take a left on Kulun St. It's the first left. Walk down 3 blocks. There will be a temple wall on your right. Take a right onto Dalong St. The entrance is visible from the corner. To get to Bao-an temple, just continue walking down the street, and take a left at the next corner. It's right there.

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